Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christian Men are still REAL Men

Tomorrow is the annual men's camping trip at our church. As I sat preparing some material to share, I was thinking about all the manly men in the Bible. These ordinary men accomplished extraordinary things when they allowed God to work through them.

I want to convey the message tomorrow that just because you are a Christian, that you don't have to stop being a real man. It seems that the unfortunate picture that has been painted of a Christian man is that of a "soft" man or a "sissy". We see the Sunday school bulletin boards of Jesus with long, wavy blond hair and blue eyes as He holds a sheep and is playing with children, but we forget that Jesus was a hard working carpenter, made a whip and drove the moneychangers & flee marketers out of the temple, stood up to and debated with the Pharisees, and then allowed His beaten, mutilated body to be murdered in public, on a tree.

Does being a Christian make you weak? No.
Does being the Godly leader of your family make you "soft"? No.
Do you have to stop having fun in order to serve God? No.
Do you have to be Mr. Nice Guy with a corporate haircut? No.

God created you like you are for a reason. There was a reason that Peter was outspoken, and there is a reason you were created like you were. Don't allow your manhood or personality to be watered down in order to fit into some preconceived notion that Christians aren't real men.

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