Monday, April 26, 2010

a longing for peace

I sit here with a broken heart on behalf of a friend and his family. This is something new for me. It's not something that I'm accustomed to. Before, I would acknowledge that something was really crappy or I might have even felt bad for someone. Now, I hurt for them. I hurt on their behalf. I long for them to be at peace. I long for their puzzle to be put back into place. I pray for restoration. I pray for their peace and hope. I long for their joy to come rushing back to them. I pray that God stitches the wounds in their broken hearts.

It has taken my wife being sick, friends putting parents in the grave, people getting divorced and more to bring me to this place. I hurt for you. I hate it for you. It angers me. So... I pray for you like it was my own need. I help carry your burden. I help hold Moses's arms up. I cry tears for you.

Despite the agony, I long for the day of restoration. I can't wait until the day where there is no more hurt. The day of no sin, no abuse, no tears, no divorce, no death, no disappointment, no sorrow, no miscarriages, and more. I can only imagine what it will be like. No hurt that we have ever experienced on earth will be duplicated there. Imagine it.

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