Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Rain rain go away, come back another day?

The weather today in North Carolina was less than favorable. It was kinda cold, it was windy and the rain never stopped falling from the sky. By most accounts, this was a dreary day.

I thought it was beautiful. You see, in order to transition from Winter to Spring and Summer, we must endure this time of rain. Its not always convenient, its not always pretty and its never comfortable. Furthermore, its important for us to not miss the blessing that the rain brings: green grass, flowers, water for the crops, lakes and rivers for us to enjoy, etc...

The problem is, we want the good things without having to pay the price for them. We want God to provide for us, but we don't want to work the extra over-time that our employer may be offering, that would help pay our bills. We want to go on vacation, but we don't have the discipline to save our money to pay for it. We want to be awesome musicians, but we never practice our instruments. We want, we want, we want, but we don't want to pay, to pay, to pay.

I embrace the rain in my life, both physically and spiritually. I embrace the things that I may not like only because the joys that come with it are so amazing. It amazes me how many people want change, but refuse to pay the price. What is your price? Is it a location price? Is it an attitude price, a time price or a monetary price? What is the price you need to pay? I'm not saying that we can earn God's favor, but I am saying that we could be ignoring the plan that has already been given to us.

Just so you know, I hate the pollen and seasonal allergies that greet me in the spring, but I can't get to summer without them, so I say "Bring it on"!


Paul said...

Funny that you should put the rain in those terms. When Scriptures says that "He sends rain on the just and the unjust" I always thought of that in negative terms. I thought of it like He sends rainy dreary bad times on good people as well as bad people because I understood rain to be something that hindered my plans, made things messy and gloomy... However, to the people that heard Him say this they understood it in the complete opposite sense. They were and agricultural society so to them rain was a good thing (there is a terrible country song in that). They understood Him to be saying that He sends good things on the bad as well as the good. That he provides for ALL, loves ALL, and sustains ALL. If I understand rain to be a bad thing because it hinders my plans then I am missing out on the blessing of God working in my life to bring a harvest of fruit.

Jonathan said...

Yes, rain is a good thing and it is indeed a terrible country song.