Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's official...

It's official, I will be blogging during the 40 days of Lent. I've never done anything for Lent, but felt like I should this year. I'm not looking to make this into a diary, but rather just some contemplative or reflective thoughts that come to mind. Some of it may be opinion, revelation, teaching, reflection, etc...

Most people that I see observing Lent typically are giving something up (food, media, TV, sports, etc...), rather than doing something, so I questioned myself about doing this blog for 40 days straight. However, in order to do this, it will take sacrifice. It will take time away from my day and force me to seek, reflect, write and post. I will have to get up early or stay up late. I may have to skip lunch or seek out an internet signal somewhere, who knows what obstacles may come my way.

Typically, these things sound like good ideas and normally just fizzle out, but I'm hoping to find the strength and courage to fight past that. Please pray for me, comment, discuss, etc... to help keep me encouraged.

Sometime tomorrow, I'll have day #1 posted


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