Friday, April 22, 2011



They say there is a first time for everything and this year is the first time that I have given up something for Lent. My sacrifice has been varied as my goal was to blog each day during Lent. So, for the past 40+ days I have somehow found time to write. My sacrifices include time, sleep, time with my wife, and entertainment.

Thankfully I made it the entire time without missing a single day. There have been a few close calls and some very late night posts. Some of these posts have been done while sitting in a car, at work, at dinner and even in bed.

Here are a few things I have learned during this time:

1) Don't make a commitment unless you are going to see it through until the end.

2) Sacrifices aren't convenient or easy. This sounded easy but was more difficult than it seems.

3) You never know who might be reading.

4) it's hard to think of something to write each day.

5) sometimes you can have a positive impact on others without even realizing it.

6) typing out long blogs on my iPhone isn't fun.

7) I miss blogging and will purpose in my heart to do it more frequently than in the past.

It's been fun to write each day and i look forward to writing again sometime soon, but it'll be nice to take a couple of days off.

I hope you have a great Easter holiday. Take time to thank Christ for his sacrifice

God Bless.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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